Nomad Cruise

Welcome to Nomad Cruise. But wait, do you know what Nomad Cruise is?
Nomad cruise is best described as an all-inclusive workation aboard a cruise liner. In our case that was the Zenith from Pullmantur. During your stay on the ship there are multiple workshops and conferences that you can get involved in. Here you can learn new skills, gain new ideas and network with a global community of entrepreneurs all in one place. There is a great community on board to discuss future ventures and even partner up with possibly making friends for life.

There were a wide variety of workshops on-board that aim to aid an entrepreneurial lifestyle. Some of these included:

  • Minimalist packing - Travel the world with carry-On luggage
  • How to create value on your Instagram
  • How to create successful landing pages
  • Performance marketing
  • How to get your ideas sponsored
  • Improve your negotiation skills by applying the famous “Harvard Principles”

There were also some more personal workshops that promoted socialising with others like:

  • A salsa course
  • A deep connections workshop
  • Speed networking
  • Talent show

The whole cruise lasted seven days and we travelled to 6 different destinations over the duration. The trip started in Gran Canaria (the location we began the trip) and our first stop was in Tenerife. The next stop was in Lanzarote and then we spent a day at sea. Later we moved on to Morocco and Cadiz, before we arrived in Lisbon.

Here's my personal resume!


  • I met a lot of nice and open-minded people.
  • There is a good ambience on the boat.
  • I highly enjoyed the deep connections workshop.
  • The excursions were great, you could explore the surrounding attractions whilst socialising with others.


  • The workshops were only basic, for my taste it would have been better to have more advanced ones.
  • The cabins were basic.
  • The food was average.

Personal Summary:
A one week cruise was sufficient for me. I had never been on a cruise beforehand, I am more the wild and
individual traveller but I would be happy to participate again. For all those who are afraid of doing such trips as a
solo traveller, do not worry you will quickly become in contact with other digital nomads and travellers. I am very
happy that I met some people on my trip to which I will definitely stay in close contact with.


Valley of 1000 Palms in Lanzarote:
Known for being an area with one of the widest variety of palm trees, the valley provides visitors with a truly
Instagram-worthy view. The area is scattered with beautiful palm trees as far as the eye can see. With nothing
but lush land surrounding you, you won’t be able to resist snapping a shot of the vibrant green colours filling the
valley from the hills to the ocean.

Mount Teide in Tenerife:
Mount Teide is a volcano on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands in Spain. Its summit is the highest point
in Spain at over 3500 km high and is the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic. The volcano
and its’ surroundings form Teide National Park. Teide is the most visited natural wonder of Spain

Cádiz in Spain:
Cádiz is a city and port in southwestern Spain and the capital of the Province of Cádiz. It is full of history and
remains one of the few cities that has retained its’ Spanish roots with a wide range of traditional Spanish
restaurants and tapas bars and a variety of well-preserved historical landmarks. The ports are surrounded by
beautiful green water and a ton of fishing boats. There are cobbled streets running through the city connecting
large plazas that create a lovely scenic view around the city.

Casablanca in Morocco:
Casablanca is a port city and commercial hub in western Morocco. It is the country’s largest city that serves as a
thriving business center full of art venues, restaurants and nightclubs. Filled with grand hotels and fascinating
architecture, you will not find difficulty in exploring and discovering aspects of the city’s culture.

Here you can also watch the video review.