Welcome to my trip to Plovdiv.

Today we will explore this ancient city and show you the places you should definitely visit the next time you are in the 2019 European Capital of culture!

Listed as one of the oldest cities in the world, Plovdiv has a rich and interesting history and a huge variety of cultural events that will entice any traveler. It is the second largest city of Bulgaria and is a growing creative center that uses its ancient Roman, Persian and Ottoman influences and contemporary culture  to bring together a perfect balance.

Plovdiv is colorful and lively and is definitely one of the most interesting places to visit in Europe. Its nightlife, historical buildings, museums, food and culture will definitely charm you, just like it charmed me!

Here are a few of the places I managed to visit during my trip to the City of Seven Hills.

The Ancient Theater

Located at the center of Plovdiv, the ancient theater is the most famous cultural landmark in the city.

Constructed in the 90s of the 1st century, the theater, which has a capacity of 6000,  was used for gladiatorial and hunting games, as well as for the general assembly seating of the Roman province of Thrace.

Today, the theater, which was renovated in the 80s of the 20th century, is used as a stage for opera, music, drama and hosts various festivals such as the international folklore festival among others.

The Archeological Complex Nebet Tepe

The archaeological complex Nebet Tepe is one of the 7 hills on which Plovdiv is situated. It is said to be the place where Plovdiv was founded and the first place where people settled in the 6th millennium BC.

Today the remains of this first settlement include a fortress wall, towers and a postern, which contribute to the cultural significance of Plovdiv.

The Tsar Simeon’s Gardens and the Singing Fountains

The Tsar Simeon’s  gardens and singing fountains are definitely one of the prettiest places in Plovdiv. The gardens were created in 1892 Swedish landscape architect, who is often referred to as ‘the minister of flowers’.

The garden, which is now renovated, is at the center of a park with flowers, fountains and a playground.

What is most popular is the light show of the lake with singing fountains that is intertwined with water effects.

The Roman Stadium

The ancient stadium of Plovdiv is said to be one of the largest and best preserved buildings from the time of the ancient Rome. The stadium was used for athletic games.

The stadium, which was discovered in 1923 is today partly restored and could seat up to 30,000 spectators.

The Architectural and Historical Reserve

The Architectural and Historical Reserve, also known as the old town, is a preserved area where visitors can walk through the different historical ages of the city of Plovdiv.

The town is situated on 3 of the 7 hills and has well preserved remains that will take you through the centuries and cultures dating back to 4000 years BC.

Plovdiv was quite an interesting cultural experience. And besides these cultural attractions, the city has very good sports and recreation facilities such as an Olympic size rowing base that offers rowing, cycling and running.

I hope you enjoyed this trip with me. Please give us a thumbs up and tell us what you think about Plovdiv and our trip in the comments below.